Aemen offers one hour herbal healing appointments.
Aemen will be available for private consultations again beginning in Fall 2024, please sign up for the mailing list to get first dibs on these limited appointments. Mailing List
Aemen's Healing Story
After a supposedly incurable lung disease left a 14 year-old Aemen hacking up mucus all day, every day for months, she took matters into her own hands. No longer willing to be weakened (and embarrassed) by her poor state of health, she began secretly experimenting on herself with natural healing modalities to find a cure.
Just two weeks into her experiments, she was completely healed. She swore off listening to the doctors and other experts who had warned her that her experiments were dangerous and unhelpful. In almost 30 years since healing herself, her "incurable" lung disease has never returned. Aemen was now happily hooked on good, natural health.
Since her first experience with natural healing, Aemen has never stopped experimenting. She considers true health to be a great adventure. Aemen offers her services as a certified herbalist, as well as with Astrological Therapy. Through working with over 40,000 people, Aemen has seen that there is always a way to heal, always another option, and that natural healing brings not only relief but freedom as well.